viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018



The top 10 countries from which Germany receive immigrants are Poland, Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, Czech Republic, Italy, Ukraine, Austria and Greece, and it is the country with more immigration of the European Union.

We can differentiate between less developed countries like Turkey or Kazakhstan from which their emigration is caused by the political instability of these countries and the search for social and economic opportunities abroad. The pushing factors could be the lack of jobs there, the social inequality or the bad living conditions because as we can see, those other countries have a worse economic situation.

Immigrants prefer this destiny because it has better salaries, easily access to services and better living conditions and also because of its social benefits and for a series of guarantees that the Constitution establishes as the right of asylum, which is more developed compared to the rest of the European countries. As soon as they set foot in the country, the German law attributes to the State the responsibility to feed, provide medical services and accommodation to any kind of refugee. Other countries such as Italy or Greece, that are members of the EU and whose inhabitants immigrate to Germany, may go looking for better salaries and work important industries that have headquarters in that country and can attract workers from other countries. Another attraction factor could be the prosperous economy of this country, one of the most developed in EU.

On the other hand, emigration from Germany moves princilly to the United States, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Turkey, France, Austria, Italy, Kazakhstan, Spain and Canada. Usually this people migrate to countries that are developed such us Spain or the United Kingdom were they look for jobs and good salaries in this countries that have sustainable economies. They may go away of their origins also because they want to live in a place with better weather.


The top 10 countries from which Spain receives immigrants are Morocco, Romania, Ecuador, Colombia, United Kingdom, Argentina, France, Germany, Peru and Bolivia, in this order. We can see that this countries have worse economic situations, so the pushing factors could be the lack of jobs there, the social inequality or the bad living conditions, if we talk about countries like Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador… Spain has a strategic location and share language with Latin America so this could be an attracting factor for these Latin countries, but there are other attracting factors like better salaries, or the access to services and better living conditions that attract people for different and variegated countries that are less developed. Spain also receive immigrants from countries in the EU, like Italy, Belgium, UK… In these case the reason could be our climate or the offer of work in some important industries have headquarters here.

On the other hand, emigration from Spain moves to France, Germany, Argentina, United States, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Switzerland, Belgium, Brazil and Mexico mainly. We have been submerged in an economic crisis and this has caused a growth of emigration in our country. People emigrate looking for work and better salaries and there are cases of people who decide to move from city or country because they have the chance of study some course or profession in an institution.

Europa is a very good place to live in because this union promotes the intercommunication of states and improves economy and citizens’ well-being. It has an unique international market that suppresses borders and that establishes an economical collaboration between its countries, helping to avoid inequality between its poorest and richest regions; due to that, it is one of the most desired destinations by immigrants because of the economic and social stability. Those migration is mainly caused by pushing factors, containing economic, social and natural conditions and, in turn, some attracting factors for immigrants, also economic, social and natural.

Spain and Germany belong to this institution and now, we are going to analyse the migration trends of both countries in two ways: First of all, we are going to talk about immigration and finally about their emigration.

Regarding to immigration and economy, we have two general factors that contrast and could create controversy; the ones that helps to improve the country and the ones that do not beneficiate it. The countries that nowadays have more immigration are the developed ones. People usually think that the arrival of foreigners is a problem for their stability, but it is not true. In the destination country, social security improves, while employment aggregates consumption, fiscal policy and monetary and economics growing. But it is also true, that depending on the country situation, this arrival could increment unemployment, reduce salaries and damage social security. One attracting factor for immigrants is the economic stability.

In the other hand and talking about social effects, we can say that there is a small cultural shock between the local residents and the new ones because of their habits, traditions, religions, beliefs and healthy conditions are usually different. Although I think that this point should not be a problem since it could create diversity and help globalization. Immigrants could feel outcasts and isolated because the loose of social supporting. Another attracting factor for immigrants is the social stability and the fact of living in a place with less violence and a minor probability of suffering a war conflict. Also because of the better healthy conditions, since they have less possibilities to be infected by an illness.

In some countries, where immigrants come from, there are usually natural disasters, so they sometimes run away of this.

As a conclusion, we can say that immigrants are looking for stability.

Spain principally receives people from Morocco, Romania, Ecuador, Colombia, United Kingdom, Argentina, France, Germany, Peru and Bolivia, in this order, having one of the biggest immigration rates. Our country has a political immigration relatively permissible and because of that, and also due to its geographic position, is one of the most busiest borders of Europe and the main one used by latin americans and africans; this point stimulates economic expansion and increases labour forces. They also help Spanish economy by paying taxes, taking into consideration all the economic, social and natural factors that we have analyzed before. Another important fact to analyse in our country is that we have a very aged population and we need immigrants who help us to increase natality, a way to improve our demographic situation.

Germany principally receives people from Poland, Turkey, Russia, Kazakhastan, Romania, Czech Republic, Italy, Ukraine, Austria and Greece, and it is the country that more immigrants receive in the European Union. This country is being pressure by people that are running away from Syria's war and whose only dream is to have a better live. Spain and Germany are so similar, so regarding to the facts that we explained before, immigration would be mostly good for both countries taking into consideration demography, social and economic facts, health and natural factors.

Now let's talk about emigration. In the first place, we can say that when someone is emigrating, they leave their country of origin to settle in another region, especially due to economic or social reasons. When we analyze the country of emigration, we generally see that the emigrants send money to their families, and as a consequence, the economy of these countries benefits, but they also lose workers, making the labor forces worse. Taking into account the social effect, the emigrant countries reduce social conflicts, but they lose population, birth rate and society is unbalanced and, in terms of cultural effects, the emigrant countries benefit in education, but they lose identity and tradition.

Today, Spain is sending people to France, Germany, Argentina, United States, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Switzerland, Belgium, Brazil and Mexico mainly. Our country has become one of the European countries with the highest emigration rate. Although most of people left Spain because they did not have a job, some also did it to improve their careers.

On the other hand, emigration from Germany moves to the United States, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Turkey, France, Austria, Italy, Kazakhstan, Spain and Canada.

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