lunes, 28 de mayo de 2018


A population pyramid is a traditional way of visualizing and explaining the age structure of a society. It is a graph that shows the structure of a society by sex and age at a given time and place.

The pyramid I am going to analyze shows us the demographic structure of country 1 in 2012.

First of all, I am going to explain the sex structure.

Females, according to different studies and as we can see in the graph, have higher life expectancy. This has different causes, historic and genetic ones. Throughout history, men have had harder works while their women were taking care of their childs and houses, so females had a healthier life. Because genetics may play a role in nine of the top 10 causes of death, according to the Centers for Disease Control, regarding to a genetic factor we should analysed the impact of some components of women's bodies that low the risk of suffering some diseases, like estrogen, that protects them eliminating cholesterol, lowering the risk of suffering heart diseases. Moreover, observing the sex ratio, we can say that more boys than girls are born, by looking the base of our pyramid, that is a datum that we can see in graphs of countries all around the world, this may be because of genetic and biologic reasons.

On the other hand, regarding to the pyramid structure, we can say that it has the expansive pyramid profile with the characteristic pagoda shape with a broad base, which indicates that the birth rate is high, and a very narrow trunk and cusp, which indicates that the life expectancy of the society is very low, the mortality is very high and society has very low aging. As a conclusion we must say that it is a not developed country in which the young population, is the highest and birth rate is very high: 39.29 ‰, the population increase in the first years of young life, but then the rate decrease, what indicates that the infant mortality rate is very large: 121.6 ‰. The adult population, is very low. This indicates that the mortality rate is very high, 14.5 ‰, with a life expectancy of 49.7 years. The elderly population is very low, so we must say that life expectancy is low.

To end, I am going to describe the transition model that is show in this pyramid.
First, we can say that the in the graph there are not important variations which means that the country follows a constant line, without ups and downs caused by wars where men would be in lower percentage. As a conclusion, and regarding to the information that we have contrasted, we can say that the country we are analyzing is in the first transition model, and it will advance to the second one, in which natality will still high, mortality will decrease and as a consequence it will have a demographic expansion and of growth.In this model, there will be investments in health, access to vaccines and medicines and water treatment, to promote the development.

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