jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

Comentario de un climograma

Cimate Graphs: 

A climate graph is the grapic representation of the temperatures and precipitations of a place over the course of  one year. The temperatures are represented with a red line while precipitations are shown with vertical blue bars.

Regarding to the analysis of precipitations we observe that the total rainfall is very scarce, only 152mm. Summer is the season with the lower rainfall and, in contrast, the season with the higher rainfall is autumn, especially October, with 27mm. Its distribution is very irregular, beacause all months are arid months. Most precipitations will be in form of rain, considering the average temperatures of the graph.
 Dealing with temperatures, we can conclude that the annual average is high (17,92ºC). Summers are hot, as we can see in July and August with 25ºC, wherea swinters are mild, as shown in January and February (12ºC).The temperature range of this place (13ºC) is lower than 16 so we can say that this is a place near to the coast, under the inluence of the sea.

 To continue,  we can analyze the general aridity using the De Martonne Index. It shows that this is a sub-desert climate. Acoording to all these information we can say that this place is located in a Mediterranean Coastal climate zone. One of the most important clues is the temperature range that shows us that this place is located near the coast and if we focused in the high average temperature we can reject the alpine climate.This type of climate is located in the Mediterranean and south Atlantic coast . 

The landscape of this zone is usually Mediterranean forest or scrubland, the flora are conifers trees, pine trees and bushes and the fauna consists on rabbits, eagles, foxes and bears or wolfs. This graph is especially located in Almeria, we know this because there is a place there that is nearly a desert, so it´s characteristics are slightly different. It´s a Mediterranean Coastal Dry zone. Currently the agriculture consist on rainfed crops such as cereals, grapevines, olive trees and others irrigated crops. The livestock is based on sheep and goats farmed extensively and cattle and pigs raised on farms. There are few forces of water because of the scarce precipitations.

jueves, 5 de octubre de 2017


A topographyc profile is the graphyc representation of the relief of an area, obtained by cutting transversaly the contour lines of a topographyc map. My line cross the iberian peninsula northwest to southeast. From cape of Bares to cape of Gata crossing Macizo Galaico, Montes de León, the Northem Sub-plateau, the Central system, Montes de Toledo, the Southerm Sub-plateau and the Baetic System.

 The first unit of relief crossed by my line is Macizo Galaico wich is one of the  mountain edges of the plateau. It was formed when the bebrock of the plateau was fragmented and formed elevated blocks (Macizo Galaico and Cantabrian Range). This process happened in the Alpine Orogeny.  The Macizo Galaico is formed of small rounded (erosion) mountais and its more important ones are Segundera, Cabrera and Los Ancares. 

The second unit of relief is Montes de León, one (with Central System) of the interior systems that forms de plateau.

The third one is the Northem sub-plateau, a sedimentary interior basin formed of params. High and plane structural surfaces. (Small ones are demonominated Oteros or Cerro Testigos.) Campiñas. Low wavy plains crossed by rivers that are formed where params have been erosionated and there, appeared clay and soft earths good for grow crops, and phills that are sloping zones between params and campiñas. The average  altitude of the sub-plateau is 800-850. The plateau was affected in several moments by the Alpine Orogeny, since the bebrock of the plateau, was fragmented. It turned on sunken blocks that created the Sub-plateau

The surthem sub-plateau was formed like the northen one.

The sunken blocks created the northern and southern plateaus while the elevated blocks created the Central System and Montes de Toledo. The Central System is the highest in the plateau and divides it in two parts, it is located between Castilla y León and Extremadura, Castilla la Mancha. The most important mountain ranges are Somosierra, Guadarrama, Gredos, Peña de Francia y Gata as well as the highest mountains are Almanzor (2.592 m) and Canchal de la Ceja (2.428 m). Besides, the Montes de Toledo is a mountain range located in the southern plateau. The most important mountain range is the Guadalupe while highest place there is the Pico Villuercas (1.603 m).

The sourthem sub-plateau was formed like the northem one. 

The last mountain range that I´m going to talk about is the Baetic System, located in the oriental part of Andalucía. It first appeared during the Paleozoic era, when the Macizo Bético-Rifeño emerged. After that, in the Mesozoic era the Sedimentary Basin, which was very close to the massif, was filled up with sediments. These materials folded during the Cenozoic era, creating the Baetic System. It´s divided in three sectors. The Cordillera Penibética is the one closest to the Sea, it includes the mountains of sierra Nevada, Mulhacén (3478 m) and Velota (3398 m). Cordillera Subbética is the interior sector and Grazalema, Ubrique and Cazorla form part of it. Between these two mountain ranges is a depression called Intrabetic, it is fragmentated in smaller depressions as well, called hoyas as the Ronda, Antequera, Guadix or Baza ones.